Calculus Teeth
When it comes to removing calculus that is already on your teeth one of the best ways is to use toothpaste with baking soda. Calculus is dental plaque which has undergone mineralization. Portable Electric Sonic Dental Scaler Tooth Calculus Remover Tooth Stains Tartar Tool Toothwash Dentist For Beauty Teeth Review Stained Teeth Dental Dentist No matter what you call it tartar is simply plaque that has sat on your teeth for a while and hardened. Calculus teeth . Once calculus is formed in your mouth it slowly eats away the enamel and causes cavities. A while back I talked about how saliva helps our teeth by repairing teeth with calcium to undo the damage. Calculus formation occurs in three basic steps. For instance occlusal calculus indicates a lack of natural wear through chewing and may be indicative of an abscess or other pathology in the jaw or perhaps indicate paralysis. Calculus Teeth affects 3 million individuals in US alone. If accumulation of calculus is slowed down...